

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Name That View and Win Concert Tickets!

This photo of freshly fallen snow was submitted by Roqee27!
The first two bloggers to correctly identify this "view" and this vantage point, will win Leahy Concert Tickets! ( )
Wed. February 6, 2oo8
8:00 p.m.
California Theatre
562 West 4th St.
San Bernadino, CA
Concert tickets were generously donated by our neighbors Ken and Stacy Couch; KVCR TV station manager. Thank you for supporting OurCityNetwork!
To Enter: Simply Click COMMENT and include your guess and contact information. Good Luck!

Contours Express, Corona!

I found some valuable information on the web, and wanted to share.It has given me a new direction to my current program.
It is a more logical approach to evaluating our own health and how to incorporate any form of exercise into our daily routine....especially when we learn to "mix-it" up!

I encourage you to find your support to start reaching your own health and fitness goals through the special treatment provided by Contours Express. I am one of Ruth's biggest admirers. She is a genuine woman, balancing a business, family, husband and self. A spokesmodel for all women aspiring to be the best that they can be!

Your Body Can Burn Fat on it's Own!

........"I know it can be difficult, as women, as mothers, to really give ourselves permission to dedicate the "selfish time" it requires to commit to changing our bodies. With proper nutrition and a realisitc approach to exercise, we are truly giving a gift not only for ourselves, but also for our families. Come in for a One Week Trial, let us be your initial motivation and learn how a little "me" time is a priceless reward!" .............Ruth
If your goals are to.....
= Lose Body Fat
= Improve Muscle Tone
= Improve Skin Complexion
= Treat Arthritis & Fibromyalgia
= Enhance Overall Health
= Reduce Cellulite
.......then Contours Express is the Support You Need!

2791 Green River Rd. #108 Corona, CA 92882

Monday, January 28, 2008


Hair by Reyna
Hair Styles for Men and Women
Helene's Beauty Supply
1180 W. 6th Street, #104
Corona, CA
951) 536-6156
....."I feel as though Reyna and I have known each other for many, many years. She was my first hairdresser here in Corona. She was close, convenient and available to care for my hair! It was love at first cut! I needed something to "revive" me, bring back the VAVOOM! A Makeover! I love that she listens to me, gets me, understands the contours of my face and jawline. She doesn't fight what is naturally there, she merely finds the real me and gives "her" the confidence to come out and play! .........come in and experience for yourself, what Hair By Reyna can do for you!"

Do you need Advertising?

If you would like to have your business represented here, on this blog, feel free to "comment" to this post. Please include your name, your business information, a picture of you, your product or company logo. The intent of OurCityNetwork, is to provide you an alternative to blind advertising. The difference, however, is our message.
We believe in people.


I met Katie West!

I had the pleasure of meeting, Miss Katie West! I felt as though I had known her my entire life. Her warm, genuine presence and her passion about her gift inspired me to include her in my blog. Not only is she extremely talented, but she is humble. Her intentions are to share her paintings, etchings, poems, portraits with everyone and anyone open to "feel" her heart in every work of art. Her life experiences, trials and tribulations, have merely intensified her commitment to reach out to others. She believes in the "Human Touch".

I encourage you to explore her own website, read her biography, taste a small sampling of her creative genius! She is fascinating and so willing to share her life. I feel truly blessed to have met her, to have experienced her passion, and literally the complete self awareness that she is a kindred spirit.
Her latest book release is available for purchase. A collector's item, a masterpiece, a treasure for any to own.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I had my "GUMP" moment!

I know, it sounds too Korny, but I had my "gump" moment. I jogged this morning, no ipod, sun already on the horizon, air clean and crisp from last nights "storm", only the sounds of...........silence.
I can see clearly now the rain is gone, all of the clouds just seem to disappear...... (No, really! There was grey here and there, but dang! did that song ring in my ears)
I was hoping that the clip from YouTube could help you see this blog a little clearer. I guess since I found the clip late last night, had my surreal moment this morning, I could have fell prey to the power of suggestion! LOL! Either way, for whatever reason, I got it!
Hang on tight. This may be a little bumpy, but I think I am on my own road closing in on MY SELF! You can't see, but I am grinning ear to ear. This is a nice "Aha!" moment that I hope many of you have already felt. I am not too concerned with my timing. Just thankin' my lucky stars that I am almost there.
Needless to say, the jog, the view, the adrenaline, was completely phenomenal!
"............and I think to myself, what a wonderful world!"

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Name That View!

I love this sunrise. I was there. I experienced this beauty. Can you guess the location of the inspiration? Send me a comment....or share your favorite, location, and story behind your inspiration! WOW! (I'm looking for pics of our Mountains blanketed in all that snow! Send them my way!)


Peanut Butter Cookies

Today was cause for celebration. I chose to celebrate with Peanut Butter Cookies! I know, find a different, healthier reward. I'm trying...but I intend to share my reward! I have yet to meet a person who doesn't like a little homemade sweet now and again. Besides, a few crispy, chewy peanut-buttery morsels was just the icing on my cake! Try this recipe for yourself! YUM!

What, might I be celebrating? Small success, little moments of affirmation. Today was just an awfully great day. Perception. Interpretation. Key elements to describing how little things can affect a person's entire day.

Despite my lackluster performance today collecting "leads", I still made progress. Leaps and bounds in the "planting seeds" department. But, the people whom I spoke with, were amazing. I enjoyed every casual conversation and every conversation that resulted in a business exchange. I had real opportunities to provide information.

My work day began with 2 separate visits from close family and friends. Each of whom give me great love and support on 2 completely different levels. XOXOXO! (I would really love to have some "shout-outs" like the radio, and just blast your name right here! HOWEVER, we respect your rights to privacy!)

Here is the message that I really want to pass on to you: If I had an opportunity to meet you or talk with you today, I thank you. It is such a remarkable gift to have people like you in my life. You each continue to teach me a valuable lesson. Business is about people. Seeing the true value in each and every person that I meet. So here's to you, a warm batch of peanut butter cookies and an ice cold glass of milk. Until we chat again....

Friday, January 25, 2008

Hear Bonnie's Story!

I came upon this clip and wanted to share.

Speaking of relief......?

I can hardly wait to get "the check"! The rebate: Pres. Bush's solution to the gloom of recession. A few comments imply that we could all use this little break. I'd love to indulge, or splurge, like the "relief" was designed, but I am sure it will go straight to a debt! How accurate is the data base that collects the information regarding "OUR" economy? (latest information on rebate)

How many empty homes are on your street? In your neighborhood? How long have they sat empty? It's hard to believe these homes once belonged to a family.

The air this morning was clean, but the moisture from the rain and the dark clouds created a barrier. It just didn't feel as cold. It formed a dense protective layer. I imagine that the weather is far more severe in my hometown. I picture my family, warming up the car, de-icing the windshield, layering on the warm clothes, gloves, hats, scarfs, etc. Plus they take on the usual morning ritual we all participate in just to get kids to school, parents off to work. I marvel, "are they on time?", "do they have those manic mornings, running from room to room looking for the missing shoe?"

A home is a home, no matter where you make it. I really want to keep mine. I like our little craziness each morning before school. I love the afternoon race to pick up each child, have lunch, work on homework. This is the life I had hoped I would have. I love this family stuff. It's a lot of work, but worth every tear! (we even had some of those this morning.)

Californians, be grateful for the rain. The reports are so completely comical regarding our "STORM", and "be sure to stay indoors!", etc.! LOL! It's rain! It makes things grow! We NEED it! I'm just glad it's not -20 degrees!! Stay warm, family. I love you. Thanks for all your support.


Thank you!

After completing my exercise/venting session with my girlfriend this morning, I knew immediately what direction my blog would have today.

Thank you to everyone for your positive comments. I truly appreciate all the support. I am also extremely grateful for those who gave criticism. It's never easy to take, especially if the person giving it to you is someone whom you love and admire immensely. I value all comments, all stories, all feedback.

I need to be open and understanding. I realize that not everyone in my immediate circle of family and friends agree with my individual goals and aspirations. I must also accept that everyone has their own reasons for not agreeing with me or my opinions. Ultimately, I do respect that. Otherwise, I shouldn't have opened up myself for people to read and view. I am still looking to understand myself, no matter how different or how unusual or how complex I appear. Part of this "coming to terms" involves an enormous effort to understand and respect other's. I cast no stones. I merely want to share a message, especially to those who are open to hearing it. I won't even mind if you are "blogging" for the sake of curiousity. Maybe you are trying to understand me, or your own mom, your best friend, or your boss at work, etc...........
Maybe you are like me, and just really would like a better relationship with yourself!

I used to be inhibited, by whatever insecurities I had limited myself to. I lived far too reclusive. I just never allowed myself to be different. I didn't know how to invite change. I like who I am. I am evolving into a person I am proud to be. This is new! I enjoy meeting people who have found their "happy place"! I also love that I could possibly encourage growth to someone who might really like the help!

Thank you again for all your comments!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

How do you process?.......

(I had to kick my daughter of the computer to log this one..........)

I was much later jogging today than I would have preferred, but bottom line, I was able to squeeze it in. I needed to get the albatross off my neck. The Jogger's quote, or anthem in my case, rang true again! There is something really beneficial about the solidarity that jogging gives me. I begin with the intent on just to get out and exercise, but generally, it goes above and beyond that.
The longer I jogged, the more time it allowed me to resolve my inner issues. I started to think how grateful I am for finding this valuable outlet. It allows me to approach opposition with a clear mind. We all face opposition, of some sort. I'm convinced that Life is about how we recover or how we grow from the challenge.
I wanted to know how, you, as the blogger, reached your own resolve? It is different for each individual. I was curious to read, to hear about other's and learn from your style, your approach.
I have a terrible tendency to react before I think. I would like for my own resolution to happen with a little less effort.
Imagine if every time life threw you lemons, you had to take a long run first before you could be rational. I'm still a work in process. I'm just grateful to have found some way to get me on the right track.

Please,.........share.............what is your secret?
What gift do you give yourself that allows you a constructive way of embracing life?

Can't wait to read!

Your comments were appreciated! I needed "Grounding"!

I received a comment from a blogger, or two, about the contents of my blog. I wanted a chance to publicly address the concern. As you can see, I have made a few adjustments to the blog. I felt the point was valid enough to delete it's presence.

I also wanted to address you as the "blogger", and your right to privacy. I have changed how comments are viewed and received. You are welcome to post your comments regarding your thoughts and feelings pertaining to OurCityNetwork. However, your post will not immediately appear. I would like an opportunity to read the contents, especially if you are concerned about your own right to anonymity.

I would like the purpose of this blog to be as clear, clean, and direct as possible. I reserve the right to "censor" it's contents, thus maintaining the integrity of what it has to offer. I do not intend to make my "bloggers" uncomfortable about the nature of this kind of forum.
I've been listening to talk radio today....(Frosty, Heidi, and Frank 97.1 and believe it or not, the few topics of discussion directly related to the power of the web. The discussion, in particular, was about protecting the rights of those who need protecting. OUR CHILDREN. I expect that there are predators, searching for their own type of access. I would prefer not to be the type of access they are looking for.
I don't want to let the fear of the unknown inhibit me from making this journey. I appreciate your input, your concerns, your advice. I will respect my "bloggers" and their anonymity. I value your "visits" and want you to return!


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What a morning!

I woke up early...not willingly, but I forced myself. I could hear one of the kids whine! aaargg! I had forgotten to set the alarm, but by the grace of squeeling voices, I accomplished a goal. I kissed my "earlyriser" for his contribution.

I've missed training for 2 or 3 days. I've done a little bit of physical stuff, but not enough to really feel like it was "Training". My first obtainable goal was to complete my usual tough jog/walk more comfortably. I had even wanted to include more jog time and less power walking. Slowly I would reach little milestones and then kind-of regroup. I'd ask, "Now where do I want to go from this point?"

I am feeling really great. I can now do my toughest walk, completely jogging! My time for the past week had been around one hour! I was able to shave 15 minutes! I feel like a track star! It's so funny that it is so monumental....for me. I have no clue really the true mileage, I don't have a pedometer gauging steps & calories burned, I just have me. I felt good, I pushed myself a little harder, I tried to really listen to my body...
I say "listen", because I want to understand the mechanics. I want to feel how my body is intended to function. Sometimes my calves start to cramp, so I change either my stride, how my feet contact the ground or I even jog backwards. The cramp or ache gets relief, and my body responds to the new direction.

I write this to share! I feel it is my duty. This is not to boast or brag. I really hope that someone could be inspired to realize the benefits of exercise, or just being physical. It's like the best over-the-counter medicine for all that ails you!

I read somewhere some sort of quote about the mind of a jogger. Something along the lines of the mind, and needing lots of solitude to sort through it. Do you know this quote? Send it to me. I would love to know it, to post it, to live by it.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Why a "BLOG"?

Ok, I wanted to clarify the "purpose" of my blog.
I obviously needed an outlet...(see: Need an Outlet), but I am also struggling to find my "place" in the business world.

Since having lost the weight, I have come to understand myself better. I have a better self-image, more self-esteem, and REAL self-respect. My parents gave me values and now I really appreciate how rare they are.

So, how do I fine tune? How do I manage a home, care for my children, support my spouse, make time for self and contribute financially?
This "BLOG" idea is really just a concept. I am curious if it is an effective tool to "marketing" myself.

I have this part-time job at Costco. It is a Saturday, Sunday job, soliciting leads for carpeting and window treatments. At first, it was very intimidating. I enjoyed the "escape" from home, was comfortable talking to people, but had no idea what skills were involved to being a GOOD salesperson. Nobody likes a pushy salesperson, I personally hate handbilling, and bottom line: IF I'M NOT LOOKING TO BUY THE PRODUCT NO PERSUASION IS GOING TO CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. I had to really evaluate my approach. First, I wanted to have fun, or at least appear that I am having fun. I figured, no one will want to "talk" to me if I look as though I am in pain, right? Second, I want to be knowledgeable. I would hate for someone to be interested and not even have the right answers to give them. And third, I wanted to talk to people. BIG PEOPLE! I spend most of my days being mommy and really wanted to talk about big people stuff.

I have met some pretty neat people. If you are open to meeting others and they are open to talking, then it just works out. After engaging in conversation, exchanging names and plugging the reason I am standing in their way, I gain a more clear perspective about people in my neighborhood. Everyone has a different story, and yet the message is the same: WE ALL NEED THE HUMAN CONNECTION IN OUR LIVES. Some more than others, and some give more information than others. There are even people who just really love to talk.
My question is, "How can I integrate this as a service?" The people who impress me the most are those who are still grounded and are business owners. They defeat the odds and are able to create their own success story. There is something just a little different about them. They realize the importance of personal relations to improve commerce. They love to pass on their information, their business, their services....knowing that word of mouth is much more valuable than paid advertisement.

I have started a collection of business cards, all with a story behind them. Each one represents the person behind the inspiration. I keep a notebook and "log" the names of the neat and interesting people that I meet. Imagine the opportunity I have, the hundreds of people that I see, that see me. So now, the question: "How may I serve you?" I am comfortable passing business your way. How might this benefit you? Your business? Is this something that a successful business or any business would value?

If you notice, I do have a few live links here in the right column of my blog. These are people I believe in. I believe in their goal, their talent. I have used or can't wait until I can afford their services.
I would love to "Highlight" a business each week. It could be a way of "introducing" the creator behind the creation. Like developing a story that promotes people and the business they believe in. Not to mention, this would give me an organized way of cataloging all the information to clear out my head! LOL!

Let me know what you think!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Weekend Training, ANYONE?

The Corona 5k, RACE FOR THE CROWN, is coming!
Last year was my first time participating in any kind of race...except for maybe grade school track meets! LOL! So, I registered to Power Walk and felt like I could really place. (you know, like 3rd or something.....) The personal experience was fantastic. I soon realized that it is more about the individual struggles and accomplishments and not really where you placed with everyone else. So, despite my 36th place in the "walking" category and a finishing time of 36 minutes, I felt like a champ.
This year I really want to shave some time off. I have built some stamina in the jogging department, but not really building on speed. I would just like for this year's 5k to be more comfortable....less like labor! Ha Ha!
So far, I have recruited my good friend Gina. (I think.) I am hoping that will give her and I a tangible goal for our workouts. We are working on our breathing. Can you believe how hard that can be to really reprogram your breathing? We are off to a great start...and encourage any of you to join us. It's like the biggest pat on the back that you give to YOURSELF for a change.
Hope to see you there.

Meet Gina!

I want to thank my girlfriend Gina for putting up with me.
I also want to share with you just how grateful I am to have met her.

Sometime in October, I was pouring over, Inland Empire classifieds, and Craigslist in search of a job that might work for me. I had just been fired from a restaurant job...(I know, FIRED)..and didn't want to lose hope that there had to be a job where someone like me would "fit-in". The restaurant gig was fun, the hours pretty flexible, the tips were kinda cool, but the boss was....pretty controlling. (Micro-management and very little autonomy.)
I learned real quick that I just might be someone who needs to work alone...although I work really well with others. So I came across this ad...posted on Craigslist. I don't even really recall how I found it, or what category it was in.., but this lady, Gina was looking for someone to help motivate her.

To summarize, I answered, she accepted, we met, we tried it for 2 weeks....(which progressed into a few months) and it has been a major blessing for both of us. Here is what I love about it: The gift of helping someone else reach a goal, whether it be just forcing them to get out of the warm bed by knocking on the door, definitely "pays back" in a really big way. Yes, she pays me, but she also gives me this gift that nothing else ever has. I am able to share this positive effect, help someone else feel alive through exercise.

We meet 3 or 4 times a week, early in the morning. We kind of force each other to commit to ourselves. MAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF, TREAT YOUR BODY, YOUR MIND TO THE GIFT OF EXERCISE!

I want to publicly tell her thank you so very much. You are a wonderful listener, a phenomenal person and a great strength to me each and every session. You have given me such confidence by "helping" you, an inner belief in myself that I had not tapped into. Thank you for continuing to teach me and for really making me 'bring-on my A-game'! You are so STRONG!
Check out her business! She is a wonderful, dear person. Thank you my friend!



I often wonder, how many other women are out there, like myself. Not just in the world, but right here in my city.

Who am I? Where is my niche? Let me give you a brief run down of who I am, and maybe shed some light on the rationale for starting a blog!

I am a 34 year old mother of two. (3 year old son, 5 year old daughter, AND a 13 year old step-daughter every other weekend.) Before children, I had a career. Once I realized the enormous responsibility of raising children, I chose to be home as much as I could reasonably afford. I went from full-time to part-time, to different field, to NO field....(that really means no OUTLET...NO ESCAPE!) Financially, for a short time, we could afford it. I stayed home for one year and lost my sanity.

It sounds so crazy, but I lost touch with me! I lost the ability to give myself permission to care for.....ME! As I approached the one year mark of "no job", I had spiraled into a very dark hole of depression. I suppose I had a nervous breakdown. I lost all ability, lost all control, and everything was just so damn bleak!

Thank God for me, I had support! I have a wonderfully experienced mother, and 6 siblings, a partner who refused to give up on me, and kids who really wanted me to survive.

Through either miracle or just plain "no where else to go but up", I started the healing through exercise. Not only had I lost touch with me in my head, but my body suffered an extra 40 pound burden. It really all began with an evening escape....I left the house all upset....and I just walked...and walked....5 miles later I returned home sore, but I had accomplished something. I could sort through some of the mess in my head. The clear voice was kind-of trying to come out.

So, here I am, another year since my breakdown...completely devoted to exercise. The mental benefits are what got me going and the physical results are just the icing on the cake. I FOUND MYSELF! Now, how can I help others?

Let me share with you my day to day or weekend to weekend blog. Feel free to comment or include your own wisdom.

After having accomplished this for myself, I am more open to meeting some remarkable people. I would love a forum to "spotlight" these people who have touched my life in some way. I just feel that it is easy for all of us to lose touch with ourselves...and HUMANITY. Can I help you in some way?

Until my next post: Try and get out today. Get outside and really see your surroundings. Take a walk, breathe the air. Clear your mind and heal your soul.
