

Friday, January 25, 2008

Speaking of relief......?

I can hardly wait to get "the check"! The rebate: Pres. Bush's solution to the gloom of recession. A few comments imply that we could all use this little break. I'd love to indulge, or splurge, like the "relief" was designed, but I am sure it will go straight to a debt! How accurate is the data base that collects the information regarding "OUR" economy? (latest information on rebate)

How many empty homes are on your street? In your neighborhood? How long have they sat empty? It's hard to believe these homes once belonged to a family.

The air this morning was clean, but the moisture from the rain and the dark clouds created a barrier. It just didn't feel as cold. It formed a dense protective layer. I imagine that the weather is far more severe in my hometown. I picture my family, warming up the car, de-icing the windshield, layering on the warm clothes, gloves, hats, scarfs, etc. Plus they take on the usual morning ritual we all participate in just to get kids to school, parents off to work. I marvel, "are they on time?", "do they have those manic mornings, running from room to room looking for the missing shoe?"

A home is a home, no matter where you make it. I really want to keep mine. I like our little craziness each morning before school. I love the afternoon race to pick up each child, have lunch, work on homework. This is the life I had hoped I would have. I love this family stuff. It's a lot of work, but worth every tear! (we even had some of those this morning.)

Californians, be grateful for the rain. The reports are so completely comical regarding our "STORM", and "be sure to stay indoors!", etc.! LOL! It's rain! It makes things grow! We NEED it! I'm just glad it's not -20 degrees!! Stay warm, family. I love you. Thanks for all your support.
