

Friday, January 18, 2008


I often wonder, how many other women are out there, like myself. Not just in the world, but right here in my city.

Who am I? Where is my niche? Let me give you a brief run down of who I am, and maybe shed some light on the rationale for starting a blog!

I am a 34 year old mother of two. (3 year old son, 5 year old daughter, AND a 13 year old step-daughter every other weekend.) Before children, I had a career. Once I realized the enormous responsibility of raising children, I chose to be home as much as I could reasonably afford. I went from full-time to part-time, to different field, to NO field....(that really means no OUTLET...NO ESCAPE!) Financially, for a short time, we could afford it. I stayed home for one year and lost my sanity.

It sounds so crazy, but I lost touch with me! I lost the ability to give myself permission to care for.....ME! As I approached the one year mark of "no job", I had spiraled into a very dark hole of depression. I suppose I had a nervous breakdown. I lost all ability, lost all control, and everything was just so damn bleak!

Thank God for me, I had support! I have a wonderfully experienced mother, and 6 siblings, a partner who refused to give up on me, and kids who really wanted me to survive.

Through either miracle or just plain "no where else to go but up", I started the healing through exercise. Not only had I lost touch with me in my head, but my body suffered an extra 40 pound burden. It really all began with an evening escape....I left the house all upset....and I just walked...and walked....5 miles later I returned home sore, but I had accomplished something. I could sort through some of the mess in my head. The clear voice was kind-of trying to come out.

So, here I am, another year since my breakdown...completely devoted to exercise. The mental benefits are what got me going and the physical results are just the icing on the cake. I FOUND MYSELF! Now, how can I help others?

Let me share with you my day to day or weekend to weekend blog. Feel free to comment or include your own wisdom.

After having accomplished this for myself, I am more open to meeting some remarkable people. I would love a forum to "spotlight" these people who have touched my life in some way. I just feel that it is easy for all of us to lose touch with ourselves...and HUMANITY. Can I help you in some way?

Until my next post: Try and get out today. Get outside and really see your surroundings. Take a walk, breathe the air. Clear your mind and heal your soul.
