

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What a morning!

I woke up early...not willingly, but I forced myself. I could hear one of the kids whine! aaargg! I had forgotten to set the alarm, but by the grace of squeeling voices, I accomplished a goal. I kissed my "earlyriser" for his contribution.

I've missed training for 2 or 3 days. I've done a little bit of physical stuff, but not enough to really feel like it was "Training". My first obtainable goal was to complete my usual tough jog/walk more comfortably. I had even wanted to include more jog time and less power walking. Slowly I would reach little milestones and then kind-of regroup. I'd ask, "Now where do I want to go from this point?"

I am feeling really great. I can now do my toughest walk, completely jogging! My time for the past week had been around one hour! I was able to shave 15 minutes! I feel like a track star! It's so funny that it is so monumental....for me. I have no clue really the true mileage, I don't have a pedometer gauging steps & calories burned, I just have me. I felt good, I pushed myself a little harder, I tried to really listen to my body...
I say "listen", because I want to understand the mechanics. I want to feel how my body is intended to function. Sometimes my calves start to cramp, so I change either my stride, how my feet contact the ground or I even jog backwards. The cramp or ache gets relief, and my body responds to the new direction.

I write this to share! I feel it is my duty. This is not to boast or brag. I really hope that someone could be inspired to realize the benefits of exercise, or just being physical. It's like the best over-the-counter medicine for all that ails you!

I read somewhere some sort of quote about the mind of a jogger. Something along the lines of the mind, and needing lots of solitude to sort through it. Do you know this quote? Send it to me. I would love to know it, to post it, to live by it.
