

Thursday, January 24, 2008

How do you process?.......

(I had to kick my daughter of the computer to log this one..........)

I was much later jogging today than I would have preferred, but bottom line, I was able to squeeze it in. I needed to get the albatross off my neck. The Jogger's quote, or anthem in my case, rang true again! There is something really beneficial about the solidarity that jogging gives me. I begin with the intent on just to get out and exercise, but generally, it goes above and beyond that.
The longer I jogged, the more time it allowed me to resolve my inner issues. I started to think how grateful I am for finding this valuable outlet. It allows me to approach opposition with a clear mind. We all face opposition, of some sort. I'm convinced that Life is about how we recover or how we grow from the challenge.
I wanted to know how, you, as the blogger, reached your own resolve? It is different for each individual. I was curious to read, to hear about other's and learn from your style, your approach.
I have a terrible tendency to react before I think. I would like for my own resolution to happen with a little less effort.
Imagine if every time life threw you lemons, you had to take a long run first before you could be rational. I'm still a work in process. I'm just grateful to have found some way to get me on the right track.

Please,.........share.............what is your secret?
What gift do you give yourself that allows you a constructive way of embracing life?

Can't wait to read!