

Friday, January 25, 2008

Thank you!

After completing my exercise/venting session with my girlfriend this morning, I knew immediately what direction my blog would have today.

Thank you to everyone for your positive comments. I truly appreciate all the support. I am also extremely grateful for those who gave criticism. It's never easy to take, especially if the person giving it to you is someone whom you love and admire immensely. I value all comments, all stories, all feedback.

I need to be open and understanding. I realize that not everyone in my immediate circle of family and friends agree with my individual goals and aspirations. I must also accept that everyone has their own reasons for not agreeing with me or my opinions. Ultimately, I do respect that. Otherwise, I shouldn't have opened up myself for people to read and view. I am still looking to understand myself, no matter how different or how unusual or how complex I appear. Part of this "coming to terms" involves an enormous effort to understand and respect other's. I cast no stones. I merely want to share a message, especially to those who are open to hearing it. I won't even mind if you are "blogging" for the sake of curiousity. Maybe you are trying to understand me, or your own mom, your best friend, or your boss at work, etc...........
Maybe you are like me, and just really would like a better relationship with yourself!

I used to be inhibited, by whatever insecurities I had limited myself to. I lived far too reclusive. I just never allowed myself to be different. I didn't know how to invite change. I like who I am. I am evolving into a person I am proud to be. This is new! I enjoy meeting people who have found their "happy place"! I also love that I could possibly encourage growth to someone who might really like the help!

Thank you again for all your comments!