

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Peanut Butter Cookies

Today was cause for celebration. I chose to celebrate with Peanut Butter Cookies! I know, find a different, healthier reward. I'm trying...but I intend to share my reward! I have yet to meet a person who doesn't like a little homemade sweet now and again. Besides, a few crispy, chewy peanut-buttery morsels was just the icing on my cake! Try this recipe for yourself! YUM!

What, might I be celebrating? Small success, little moments of affirmation. Today was just an awfully great day. Perception. Interpretation. Key elements to describing how little things can affect a person's entire day.

Despite my lackluster performance today collecting "leads", I still made progress. Leaps and bounds in the "planting seeds" department. But, the people whom I spoke with, were amazing. I enjoyed every casual conversation and every conversation that resulted in a business exchange. I had real opportunities to provide information.

My work day began with 2 separate visits from close family and friends. Each of whom give me great love and support on 2 completely different levels. XOXOXO! (I would really love to have some "shout-outs" like the radio, and just blast your name right here! HOWEVER, we respect your rights to privacy!)

Here is the message that I really want to pass on to you: If I had an opportunity to meet you or talk with you today, I thank you. It is such a remarkable gift to have people like you in my life. You each continue to teach me a valuable lesson. Business is about people. Seeing the true value in each and every person that I meet. So here's to you, a warm batch of peanut butter cookies and an ice cold glass of milk. Until we chat again....